Seems like only yesterday


Entries in Travel (19)


Travel tips from the Times




  • Located just outside Amsterdam, you'll find more spring flowers than you might imagine could exist in one location.
  • Seven million hand-planted bulbs showcase growers from around the country
  • Held on historic hunting grounds, the show is open just eight weeks each year during peak bloom time

It's spring in The Netherlands!

We visited twice during our short stay in Amsterdam. It rained, as it often does in Holland, during both visits.  And the cloud cover provided great light for photographing the beds during the middle of the day.



Take better travel pictures.

It would be difficult to find a better teacher than photographer Tim Allen.  

Connect HERE for his tips. 



When's the next flight to Laponsko?

Better question: WHERE IS LAPONSKO?  Whatever, I'm on it.  Want to come along?  Can you even imagine the following sights and scenery?!!!

Lapland, here I come!  

Thanks, Kathi, for alerting me to this incredible travel tip!   I think it could be colder there than where I am right now.


We chose China.

Jiuzhaigou National Park lies on the northern border of Sichuan Province on the edge of the Tibetan Plateau.  The park is home to many endangered animal species including the giant panda which we saw in captivity.  This part of the world is best known for dozens of stunningly picturesque blue, green and turquoise lakes often crisscrossed by ancient fallen trees.  No polarizing filters were used on our hike through the magical forests with views of breathtakingly beautiful reflections and impressive waterfalls. I'd love to go back during winter when waterfalls become solid walls of ice.  I cannot imagine anything more spectacular.

Our hotel during this short stay was the atrium-enclosed Jiuzhai Paradise International Convention and Resort Center, a sixty minute drive from the local airport.  Best accessed by planes without broken windshields.  Longer story.

Yak butter tea, not a favorite.  Hikes through local remote villages definitely were.

Next stop, Beijing for a visit to the Forbidden City and the Great Wall.

This was our second trip to China.  

Would I choose it again?  Absolutely.  So many spectacular spots yet to see.



An engineering marvel built on top of ancient posts driven deep into mud banks.  Narrow, picturesque alleyways. Gondoliers navigating scenic canals.  World-renowned glass blowers featuring their mind-boggling creations.  Piazza San Marco cafe musicians.  Many charming/often empty/squares and streets.  

One pretty magnificent place to get lost! 


South of the border

Our experience several years ago in Puerto Vallarta was nothing short of sublime.


But before watching, here's a hot tip:  Head to Chavez Market on the corner of El Camino and Fifth Avenue in Redwood City.  You'll find foods you don't generally see in other grocery stores/if you do, they'll be twice the price. GREAT/fresh chunky or smooth guacamole in the deli area.  A wonderful Taqueria tucked inside as well.  Think of it as a tourista-free trip south of the border!

Grab some chips, make yourself a mango margarita/recipe below/add a little guacamole and salsa.  Then sit back, relax and enjoy the beautiful views and lovely/artistic/hand-crafted, decorative details.

It was truly a magical, memorable wedding venue.  And a superb vacation for us. 

Thank you again and again, Coan family.


Traveling through a typhoon

But not after an earthquake or tsunami. I cannot imagine.

Tokyo to Kyoto.  In a word, spectacular.  

Wild weather temporarily derailed our bike trip in Japan. As a result, we were able to get to know Tokyo in a way that would have otherwise been impossible. Excellent food/particularly off the street, gracious people, fascinating sights and terrific travel companions!

Here's the basic itinerary with modifications due to weather.

Love Butterfield & Robinson's thinking:  By Bike

PS.  Our favorite Ryokan!!!  


Tango territory

Sit back, put your feet up and enjoy the spectacular vistas, colorful communities and exquisite details documented during our trip to Argentina. 

Once again, thanks to the Coan family for another amazingly memorable wedding adventure. 



Tune in for travel week.

It's been a few years since our trip to Vietnam.  Last year I decided to tackle what felt to be an enormous task/sorting through thousands of photos.  What I've learned is this:  The more time that elapses between the actual trip and my editing, the better I am at discerning what stays and what goes. Even though I delete during the vacation, there are simply too many interesting/beautiful/compelling sights to capture. And it's not until I'm home that I can enlarge photos and choose the best.  

To friends who are considering traveling to this part of the world, our recommendation is to spend much more time in the country/far fewer days in urban areas.

This slideshow encapsulates our trip to Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos.   Angkor Wat, in Cambodia, was absolutely the high point.  Tonle Sap, for very different reasons, came close/see little girl with pyton(?) wrapped around her neck. 

Here's to travel!  Arm chair or otherwise!  Cheers!


Holiday travel tips from a top doc

Many thanks, Sally.  This is an excellent resource.



Bringing Colorado back home

 Now I totally understand this song.  A perfect pairing with the picts from the week.

Here's what I loved about the cottage gardens at El Rancho Pinoso:  The mix of textures.  The introduction of rocks and gnarled pieces of wood.  Succulents where you wouldn't ordinarily find them. Sporadic splashes of gray green foliage.  The integration of stumps.  And conifers mixed with roses.  

Given an interest in perennial borders, I was familiar with a lot of the flowers.  But I was totally unfamiliar with many, many others.  I took closeups so that I could identify what I loved so much once home.  

I would imagine that these ideas could be transplanted anywhere you'd find snow or perennial borders.

That's exactly what I'm going to do next.  Bring a bit of Colorado back home.


El Rancho Pinoso, final thoughts.  While solitary in nature, immersing ourselves, literally, in this adventure with great friends was a delight.  We'd love to share the experience with our family at some point.  Would I recommend giving fly fishing a try?  Absolutely.  Here?  No doubt about it.  I'm hooked.

If you are interested in more information regarding El Rancho Pinoso contact Ken or Brian at Fly Water Travel (1-800-552-2729 or ) and mention Fresh Perspectives as your reference. They like to know how people heard about them and the locations they represent.


Cast of characters

A battalion of birds.  Humming ones, that is.  I've never been just feet from a fleet of these fast fliers, have you?  Our cabin had two feeding stations, the most popular of which was positioned near a hanging basket. birds.  A possible concept to bring back home?  Hmmmmmmmm, I'm thinking so.

Jim, an incredibly patient instructor.  And a fellow who made most/if not all of his flies/very impressive!  Jim taught Robyn and me how to cast on the lawn outside our cottage.  We then had the pleasure of spending additional time together with Jim on the river later that week.  The fact that we were ultimately amazingly great/right R?/is directly associated with our guides ability to communicate clearly while being exceedingly kind.  Did I say patient?  I'll say that again.  Mind you, we were not slackers.  Robyn won the prize for tenacity/fishing far past our return to the cabin through rain, thunder, cow patties, etc.  

P.S., Jim, totally related to Tillie's participation/he had taken his grandchild's frog friend on a trip to Europe.  

Damon, our multi-talented guide/ranch manager, and his amazingly smart/darling dog, Missy.  What a team!  Damon could not have easier to work with/more helpful in offering up all the possibilities.  Missy tiptoed oh-so-carefully across the streams so that she wouldn't disturb the fish. 

She also sniffed out various varmints, dug until she found them and feasted on her find.  I know you'll love those pictures.  Probably not before dinner.

Einstein, their adorable barn cat.  Einstein not only grabbed all the attention he could get but also the end of our practice line while we learning how to cast.  He is the only cat I've ever known who enjoyed having his belly rubbed.  Siblings, sadly, were taken away by coyotes.  

Stay safe, please, Einstein.

Hope, a vivacious/fun/strong/incredibly hard-working horse handler/gardener.  Hope helped us saddle up for rides around the property.  And she worked in the garden, at times with her darling daughter.  


BTW, their alpine gardens were the prettiest I've ever seen.  Pictures tomorrow. 


Day 2 @ the ranch

I never ever would have predicted that I'd fall so totally in love with fly fishing/hook, line and sinker.  Or in fly fishing lingo/fly, tippet and indicator.

What I imagined to be too slow/incredibly boring was anything but

As always, I had so much to learn.  Among other things, about casting, catching and ultimately setting fish free. 

Much to my surprise, I found our adventure to be educational/stimulating/satisfying in a way that no other sport has ever felt/exhilarating/challenging/tremendously enjoyable. 

And the scenery?  Breathtakingly beautiful.

Thanks to our experienced, resourceful fly fishing friend, John, the venue was a remarkable ranch just outside of Pagosa Springs, Colorado.  Contact details and info. coming later in the week.

To give you a taste of our time together, I'm including views we enjoyed from our cabin as well as pictures taken at one other ranch our hosts so graciously share with their guests. 

Of course, Tillie was along to enjoy all our adventures.

Tomorrow, the cast of characters and critters. 


SF/Denver/Durango with Tillie

I absolutely love my colorful, hand-constructed, ceramic spirit friend/companion/totem.  Tillie was given to me by Betty, Moll, Steve, Chris, Christopher and Kate on a recent trip to Hawaii. 

I briefly considered naming her Silly/but, as you may recall, that little pal didn't make it to dinner.  I settled on the name Tillie, as in "Travels with..." or "T's Tantalizing Tales." I'll stop now.

How did they know how well dressed she'd be for our upcoming Fly Fishing Adventure?  They didn't.  Nor did I.  Or how perfectly she'd find a secure home in my new backpack? 

All I can say is that Tillie was the Perfect/Inspired/Thoughtful Gift.  Thank you, darling "Portenlanger family."

T was subject to FP-style packing.  That is, constantly trying to figure out what makes the most sense.  I've recently settled on Jumbo Size Ziplock Bags which comfortably corral/this is, after all, horse country/items in compact containers that easily slide into/and against each other in a large duffle bag.  It's late/I'm a little jet lagged/I hope this makes sense.  Pictures of this concept tomorrow. 

Let Willie and Johnny take you on the road again.

Meanwhile, here is our trip from CA to CO:  

Traveling across our country has always been the kind of experience that causes me to burst into spontaneous song. America the Beautiful would be my pick.  What an amazingly diverse/spectacular country we call home.

There were a few dicey moments circumventing thunderstorms between Denver and Durango.  But once on the ground, it took only 1.5 hours to the ranch in Pagosa Falls.

I'm calling it a day.  More on this wonderful trip tomorrow.  Sleep well, all.  I definitely will be doing the same.




Tillie takes to fly fishing... a fish to water. 

Next week:  Travels with Tillie:  This time to the stunningly beautiful San Juan Mountains in Colorado. 

Our new family addition, Tillie, indulges in chips/among many, many other terrific things/while traveling to and being in one of the most spectacular places on earth.  Stay tuned for details/not to be missed.

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!


A Gathering of Geckos

Really, could anything be more enchanting? This was our lunchtime entertainment today. Kathi, note the initial. Whoa. It's a sign. George is alive and well.


Details drawn from our wonderful week together


Scouting for a tsunami

No, we weren't Quite That Stupid. Close but not Completely Crazy. Rather, we're all Whale Watching the day before. 

From the day of the tsunami alert: Packing quickly and moving to higher ground. Leaving all doors open to let waves wash through our house. Will pick up pieces down the road, literally, after it all subsides. Not good/but we'll be safe. Over and out for today. Computer in potential path of waves.