Seems like only yesterday

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Lost upon landing

My fully-equipped, perfectly personalized, iPad.

Given queries and resulting responses, it appears that there's no hope of it ever returning. UGH.

Several sleepless nights later, feeling very vulnerable, I wondered what the perpetrator would access... DOUBLE UGH.

Did I ever set a password?  No!  

Will I set one next time?  Absolutely.


I remembered this earlier FP post.  

And I "pulled the trigger" assuming the person who has my iPad will eventually boot it up and connect with the Internet.  I was able to wipe my iPad clean of personal info.  YES!!!  

AND if (huge IF) I am able to recover it, I've been assured by our Terrific Tech Guy that he will be able to put "Humpty Dumpty back together again."


Next time, I need to develop a Disembarking Check List.

Bottom Line:  Add this free app to your life: Find your Iphone/IPad.  

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