Brain-boosting info from Barb
"As I was sitting upstairs reading a book Matt gave me for Mother's Day, I was compelled to come down and, while I still 'remember' to do it, pass on the title to you, our great dispenser of shared and pertinent knowledge :) The title is The Secret Life of the Grown-up Brain: The Surprising Talents of the Middle-Aged Mind by Barbara Strauch AND it is fascinating and sooooo encouraging! Perhaps you already know about it. Matt heard it reviewed on NPR and ordered one for his 'middle-aged brain-dead' mom :) The first chapter is called 'Am I Losing my Mind?' . . . how appropriate is that! Anyway, it is VERY interesting and encouraging . . . for example from the first chapter , ' . . . it may be the very nature of how our brains age that gives us a broader perspective on the world, a capacity to see patterns, connect the dots, even be more creative.' Maybe I'm not so dumb after all even if I can't remember where I put my glasses :)"
Thanks so much, Barb. How fast can our fingers take us to Amazon. Or our feet to a local bookstore.
Internet down so trying to post this via my iPhone. Can feel brain expanding beyond usual limits.
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