Seems like only yesterday

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Cool Runnings

We just watched the Jamaican Bobsled Movie for ahhhhhhhh the 10th time? 

Love it.

What comes to mind as one of Your Top Picks?

Wouldn't it be fun to hear from everyone out there in the blogisphere? 

I think so. 

Give it a whirl. 

Come on.  You can do it.

Reader Comments (1)

Lois, thanks for this movie rec! Good for pre-teens too? Always on the look out for fun movies for our family. My 12yr. old son and I just watched one of The Thin Man movies (circa 1940's). At the end he asked if there were more in the series (yes!). I'm putting your movie on Netflix...thanks!

February 2, 2011 | Unregistered Commentervalerie

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