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Moshi Moshi!

Your cell phone rings...  

but it's buried at the bottom of your bag.

And you can't find it fast enough to catch the call.  

It happens all the time, right? 

Never again!

Not if you have this totally awesome Moshi Moshi Retro POP Handset!

Brief background:

We were at a meeting this AM together. Across the table, the darling young mom pictured below picked up a message with The Most Extraordinary handset Ever! 


“Happy Birthday!”  “What color do you want?”

WOW!!!  How lucky am I?

What a surprisingly colorful/creative/thoughtful way to start my day!  And it's not even my BD.

Here's what others on Amazon had to say...

Having lived six years In Japan and one in Okinawa decades ago, it tickled me that the product's name is Moshi Moshi. Moshi Moshi (hello) is the greeting Japanese people there used when answering the telephone. 

My initial reaction when I saw the Moshi Moshi handset was that is was a cool novelty that I wanted to get a few laughs from friends. But as I used it on my iPhone 4, I noticed an immediate improvement in reception and call/voice quality. People I spoke with also commented that my voice was much clearer compared with my Bluetooth headset or even when I'm not using any headset at all. 

I finally ditched my landline, and use my cell phone only now. And while that's more convenient for me, an iPhone isn't really designed well for long conversations -- it will heat enough that my ear gets sweat all over the phone, it's uncomfortable to try and hold head-to-shoulder if I'm on the phone and typing at the same time, etc. For those reasons, this works great for me. I can grab it and plug it in at any point in the call, the cord is the right length to use without being bulky, and the handset is a nice size and weight for holding head-to-shoulder without strain. Plus, the plastic has that "soft touch" finish I like, that seems to make plastic feel less cold, and definitely helps it stay looking nice longer. 

Works out of the box - just plug it into your iPhone and call! The sound coming out of this handset is clear and melodious ... brings nack memories of the very first phone my parents bought ... pure nostalgia for the soul, while the honey of a sound satisfies one's ears. 

In recent years one reads about the danger of radiation from cell phones - a higher incidence of brain cancers on the side of the head to which a person customarily holds his or her phone. While this risk is not fully proven, suspicions remain - but it is a fact that wired handsets are absolutely safe in this regard. Now, instead of using a wired set of earhones and a mic, I plug in this handsome handset into my iPhone. 

Enjoy it in good health! 

Reader Comments (1)

yessss. makes for a more private conversation than the speaker which is what I do now to avoid radiation in my head.

September 27, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterKitty

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