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Buddy doesn't either

6 PM PST:  “I feel a blog coming on.  I need to find my notebook.”  I began writing as I was trying to shower/get dressed/set the table/toss a salad/begin enjoying the evening with friends. 

Here’s what came to me/this is sort of tough to say but here goes:  I do not wear deodorant.  Well, not the brands/bottles you ordinarily find in the drug store or supermarket.  Something else.  Something I, along with many others, think is superior. 

Here’s why/no ordinary deodorant:  I’m a little/no, VERY sketched out about putting chemicals on my underarms.  Chemicals that block pores and are readily absorbed into my body.  Think about it.  I tried the early deodorant alternatives, crystal rocks, etc. which were somewhat scratchy and it turns out, as I recall, full of aluminum/not good.  Tom's had a tendency to cause underarm irritation.

Thanks to a friend's recommendation, I've switched.  Le Stick Deodorant - Unscented, 3 oz ( Multi-Pack) gets my vote.  From the manufacturer:  "Nature de France deodorants contain white, rose or green French clay, which has a unique ability to absorb odor and to gently protect the skin without any irritants or aluminum."  Until I find out that clay is problematic, I'm staying with Le Stick/available at many, but not all, health food stores.

It works perfectly well on an everyday basis, assuming you're not running marathons.  For special occasions that demand more, I might use something stronger.  Everyone’s different/some may require more product than others.  Educate yourself/do some research online before buying your next bottle.

And, if you’ve noticed that I’m, in fact, clearing rooms, could you let me know?  Thanks so much. 

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