Seems like only yesterday

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Create Your Own Adventure Day!

  • Bring a wok to work.  Stir up something special for your friends at work. Or simply stir up a little mischief.
  • Make up your own mantra.  Practice meditating if only for 2 minutes.
  • Isolate your favorite only-on-vacation activity. Insert this delight into your day.
  • Do something spontaneous. Or outrageous. Or simply absolutely, totally soul-satisfying.
  • Take a walk on the wild side: talk to a critter of some kind.


  • Figure out how to fit more of these moments into your life.
  • Be sure to report back.<
  • Reader Comments (1)

    I cannot tell you how much I love reading your blog. The pictures are FABULOUS. As I sit here in Chicago, in the middle of another beautiful blizzard, I especially love the "turtle turn around." I'm pretending I am right there in the warmth of the scene.
    I have NO CLUE how you are able to put this all together, but I love it AND I'm so proud of you.
    xo, Betty
    PS -- Is that a sea horse? When I was a child we raised sea horses. Ahhhhhh, memories.

    February 24, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBetty Portenlanger

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