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Grow Your Own Mushrooms!

Back of the box says it all!  

"Recycling trash isn't just the right thing to do/it's the only thing we can do.  We like to think we've mastered the art of waste reduction by transforming used coffee grounds into the substrate for this mushroom kit.  After the mushrooms have been harvested, the leftover roots enrich the coffee grounds, turning them into premium compost for your plants and thus closing the loop on your BTTR Gourmet Garden."

Oyster mushrooms have been revered for thousands of years in mid-European and Asian cultures and now you can grow them right in your own kitchen!  

  • Low in calories
  • High in protein and fiber
  • Full of iron, vitamin B-complex, glucosamine and calcium
  • great source of anti-oxidants

Just place box in an indoor area that has access to fresh air and avoids direct sunlight.  Spray with BTTR mister 2-3 prays of tap water twice a day.  In 7-10 days, you will see small, grayish-blue "pinheads" appear.  These are baby mushrooms beginning to grow.  Harvest in 3-5 days by twisting off the caps when they are 1-2 inches in diameter.

Repeat process for 2nd crop using the back of the box!!!

So incredibly interesting!  Great fun to photograph.  Thanks, Don and Nacole!  What a terrific gift!

Is there anything that Amazon doesn't carry?

BTTR Gourmet Garden: Grow-it-at-home Mushroom Kit

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