Seems like only yesterday

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Recycle. Reuse.  Revitalize.

What to do with the jewelry you never ever wear?  Pieces you’ve been given that have a few elements you'd like to isolate and extract?  Something you once loved but is now a tad tired?

Revitalize your collection by pulling everything out of their hiding places.  Evaluate what stays and what goes.  Isolate all that could be resurrected or reworked. Then begin playing with what’s left.

Gather together a group to share/rework/recycle.  Or simply enjoy the experience by yourself.  A little elastic, some beads.  Reformat tired jewelry into something you’re more apt to wear and enjoy. 

My pieces are simple/colorful/easy to make.  Effortless to disassemble and rework.  The other critical component: I'm a fan of instant results.  Fast and fun.

Where to start?  "Borrow” color stories from whatever's in your immediate environment:  Multicolored carpets/fabrics, scarves, nature, art.  Something you already love. 

I'll often try to keep the relative color proportions consistent, i.e., more peach than blue or green.  A hint of yellow.

Create a bracelet to match existing earrings or to complement a favorite necklace.  Super simple.  And very satisfying.

Left:  Seaweed-style necklace I purchased years ago but was never worn.  I recently found beads that resembled it. Then tea-dyed the macramé belt from its original far-too-bright white to a much more mellow almost-yellow.  Loved the result.

Other things to consider?  How to hide the knot:  Plan ahead.  Tie the elastic next to a bead with a hole large enough to accommodate the knot. 

Remember, nothing’s cast in stone.  If you don’t like it, cut the elastic and begin again. 

Right:  Earrings and belts are, for me, better store bought.  Bracelets, a total cinch to tackle myself.


It’s not just “a good thing.”

It can be a pretty great thing to experience together with friends.  Or by yourself.  A moment of quiet creativity.


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