New York! New York!

Traveling to the Big Apple any time soon? Don't miss the Bryant Park crafts and gift festival! My top phone picks below/where was my good camera? Never traveling without it again.
We missed the snow. Scored brisk but beautiful walking weather. Note to self: Bring only chothes that work with black and brown. Go for comfort, particularly shoes/boots. Pack a small, collapsible carry on for whatever might be purchased. Think layers.
We were able to snag tickets to the Book of Mormon. Do not miss this/insanely fun.
I got lost while walking by myself one evening and ended up in Times Square. Spectacular! Where was my good camera when I needed it most? If you, too, love photography, hold back on everything else and pack your camera. Photos were shot on my old iPhone with smudged lens.
The city was packed with amazingly trim athletes one of whom invited us to visit him in his home in Corsica. He obviously did not know that we regularly diverge off the path most traveled when planning trips. Reach out to those around you, welcoming those who are obviously visiting the US.
I found numerous holiday gift ideas at the NYC MOMA/don't miss the de Kooning retrospective. Shop online.
The annual holiday faire opened in Bryant Park two blocks from our hotel/I found some local leads you, too, may find interesting. Check online and ask the concierge about local events.
We had dinner with very fun/funny Butterfield & Robinson Bicycle trip buddies. We highly recommend the B & R way of seeing the world.
All in three days!
One of my other favorite spots: ABC Carpet, which as you'll see if you visit their site, carries MUCH MUCH MUCH MORE than just carpets. Here are a few phone photos I took while there.

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