Seems like only yesterday

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The Right Stuff!

It looked so easy. 

So effortless. 

So much fun. 

And it was. 

Until I crashed. 

Stop laughing.

Today's intent was to write about pushing the envelope.  Now, after watching several instructional videos, I see that my focus should have been more about reading the manual first. 

Turns out that it is relatively easy and it is great funOnce you know how to dismount. 

 No, not a regular bike. Something much more exciting. 

Something like this:

One son assessed his recent ride as “a mix of fun and fear!”  He, too, had not read the manual nor he watched the instructional video.  Genes.  Or the fact that I didn't tell him either existed. 

If you see me lying by the side of the road, please set me back up and send me home, ok?  Good. Thanks. 

Meanwhile, I need a little more practice before I take on the hills as the following video demonstrates. Hey, we used to think that walking this Sharon Height's hill was an accomplishment!!! These people have definitely taking our morning hike to a new level.

Feeling the fear and doing it anywayThis time with a helmet and some actual knowledge.  And maybe one of those inflatable Sumo Suits.

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    Response: navigate here
    Good Website, Stick to the great work. Thanks for your time.

Reader Comments (1)

this ellipticgo looks so cool, except Id probably have the inclination to want to sit down like on a bike. how great that you got on. I only read manuals after the fact.

September 27, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterKitty

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