Enjoying the Last Summer Corn

Summer's over but most of us can still find fresh corn on the cob! YES!
We grew up in the Midwest. Corn Country. We never knew anything but boiled/buttered/salted and peppered corn on the cob.
I once made an unsuccessful attempt at soaking the cobs in H2O/then grilling. It was not terrific.
Julia's recipe was simple/straightforward/smoky. And finger-lickingly flavorful.
- olive oil
- salt
- pepper
BBQ and corn prep:
We used a gas grill preheated to high/then reduced to medium.
- Strip husks back to expose kernels, being careful to keep husk intact above stem.
- Remove silk using hands or a silk brush.
- Generously cover kernels with olive oil, salt and pepper.
- Return husks to original position/tie with string or not. We didn't.
- Cook on BBQ approximately 15 minutes, turning uniformly so outside blackens but does not burn.
Place on platter and serve. I loved the charred ears without any other additions.
Next time: Add herbs to the mix. Or not. I loved the simplicity of this dish.
And, as Julia indicated, the recipe allows the corn flavor to come right on through.
corn on cob,

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