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From Anne:  "I just read a review of a book about organizing, decluttering, etc.  I wouldn't actually recommend the book, but you have to love the quote from it ......

 '...... throw out all your ordinary clothes and wear only your most fun and fabulous things.'" 

Yes!  Imagine how much fun/how freeing this could be!  Not to mention how many could conceivably benefit from our closet clearing.  Love it.

Thanks, Anne!

OK, I was thinking JAPAN, right?  And while mine was not an exhaustive search, here are initial findings.  If anyone has better/more up-to-date info., please let me know.

"You have a good heart but this is not a good idea. Much of Japan is still functioning, and it is much cheaper to obtain food and clothing locally--it doesn't have to be cleaned, sorted, and shipped via air into a badly clogged airport.

One of the reasons money donations are so critical is that relief organizations, including the Red Cross, use them to to prop up surviving local businesses. When the Red Cross purchases local goods, it keeps the businesses going, which means the employees can hold onto their jobs. Employees get paid, retain their dignity, and have money to purchase supplies that they want--thereby putting more money back into the community.  Shipped-in supplies short-circuit that entire recovery loop."

References (2)

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  • Response
    Response: fuck
    Fresh Perspectives - BLOG - Exactly.
  • Response
    Response: buy viagra online
    Fresh Perspectives - BLOG - Exactly.

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