Seems like only yesterday

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Dear friends,

Here's what's on my mind particularly in light of recent heart-breaking losses in Afghanistan.

A family friend visited this past week. 

This incredibly personable, bright, talented, thoughtful, fun young man is going to Afghanistan.  I simply cannot imagine.

We shared dinner bundled up in shawls and hats he had carried to us from his last trip. Our Tent was a perfect place to spend an evening with family, friends and CB before he left for Afghanistan. The evening was rich with his stories/our questions/much laugher. Very much a celebration of friendship. And talent. And devotion. And courage.

Obviously we're all concerned about his safety.  

Whatever your personal preference, practice or persuasion, would you join me in sending light and love/prayers for our friend, "CB," in Afghanistan along with the many, many other dedicated men and women serving with him.

Thank you. 

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    Response: useful reference
    Superb Web page, Preserve the good work. With thanks.

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