To, for and from Kathi

Among other things, the beauty of a blog is that it has the potential to bring together kindred spirits as a community. Connecting people who are willing to take time to think about, pray for and/or do whatever they can for others who happen to be experiencing what any of us could be addressing ourselves. That’s where my friend, Kathi, comes in. Kathi is dealing with ovarian and liver cancer.
Suzette spreads flower petals on the water/wherever she is/each day for Kathi. Trish, knowing the impact cancer has, called to see if she could be helpful in any way. Susan, who met Kathi once, made a prayer bracelet for her, cares deeply about her wellbeing. There have been many calls related to connecting Kathi with the best that Stanford offers. And there are many, many, many others who've shown their support. Most have never met Kathi. But care. And want to share. Thank you, all/this has meant so much to K and her family.
Here’s what’s been happening:
From K: "I am feeling very well. I hope that means that the chemo, the special tea, the distance healer, the Bella Ruth tapes and all the prayers and well wishes from friends are helping this to go into remission and fight those nasty cells and get them OUT of my body."
"Thursday is my third chemo and I will meet with my doctor. I don’t know how much he will be able to tell me but I will pass on what I hear. Actually I am feeling pretty normal and I hope that is a good sign!"
"I do not love having to wear a wig. It really took a lot of getting used to/thicker than my very fine hair but I am adjusting and I think once people get used to seeing me in it, it will be a shock when my real hair comes back. May have to go to extensions!"
And finally, "Got a call this morning. The latest CA 125 yesterday was 160/down from 2000 and 1000 10 days ago--great news!"
The BEST news! Carry on, wonderful friend. Know that you're supported by so many with very much care, concern and love.
Please continue to pray for, think about and send healing thoughts to Kathi. I know, without a doubt, that this has tremendous impact. Thank you, everyone.

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