Wednesday, September 15, 2010 at 10:18PM
Wonderfully inspiring/idea- and friend-filled workshop. I want to look like/feel like/BE Yvonne, our 82.5 year-old new FP friend. OMGOSH! OK, truth be told, I've given up on being anyone else but me. Still, she is such an inspiration. So smart. So vivacious. So articulate. Thank you for the model of what can be.
Don't those of you who came to our first grandparent's workshop today feel the same way? WOW again. I'm taking pictures next time.
Evening out in the city. When does life slow down? Never, ever I hope.
Yvonne, you are our hope and inspiration.
And I absolutely LOVED our time together. Tremendously talented, thoughtful, creative, fun women sharing what matters most.
tagged friendship, ideas, workshops
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