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Reminder to Self: Get Back on Track


Over the past twenty-five years, I followed the same format each month: In preparation for the eight workshops, I researched, compiled/then shared ideas relevant to each topic. Women came prepared to discuss the agenda items. It was a monthly reminder for all of us to acknowledge What Mattered Most. Fitness was our topic each January. Our mornings together were inspiring, educational and Tremendously Fun. THAT'S exactly what I now need. To be inspired. Fun I can usually find!

Hopefully some of you out there will be motivated to get back on track with me!  Here goes...

Reader Comments (1)

Years ago, when I thought I had a weight problem -- (as the song says "Those were the days my friend, I thought they'd never end) -- I decided that I needed a visual to help me "see" how much I ate. So, I got out some monopoly money ($1,200) and each day I would "buy" my meals. One dollar = 1calorie. I would spend my money this way: $300 for breakfast, $300 for lunch, and $600 for dinner. It really worked. I learned that I could buy LOTS of healthy food for little money OR spend LOTS of money for little food value. AND, my rule was -- when I was out of $$ I had no charge card. I learned to spend wisely. Maybe I should get out the monpoly money once again. I'll think about it after I have some chips & dip. Wink, wink.

March 16, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBetty

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