I learned the hard way. “We’ll just remove a small filet from the roof of your mouth and suture it in place,” the periodontist cheerfully announced. It sounded so easy.
So straightforward. So painless. “Besides, you’ll be asleep. You won’t feel a thing.” Even better! Wow, this was going to be a walk in the park. It was.
UNTIL I WOKE UP! YIKES. Not doing that again.
I had obviously been far too casual about flossing. Not any more. I learned that two Small Additions could make a Big Difference in my daily routine AND, more importantly, I would earn Two Thumbs Up from both my hygienist and my dentist.
One of my favorite tools, in addition to the Sonicare/or whatever electric toothbrush your dentist recommends/is the Oral-B Humming Bird Power Flosser, a small battery-operated device that vibrates as you move around your mouth between teeth. It makes a tedious task much, much more palatable. And easy. It’s effortless to reach behind molars. I now look forward to flossing, which says a lot about my life.
The other handy tool: a rubber tipped Gum Stimulator. I carry one in my car to “trace around teeth” at traffic lights. Verrrrry attractive. But it seems to do a fine job stimulating my gums and keeping recession at bay.
Other online endorsements:
“The Hummingbird saves your fingers from strangulation, and the vibration makes the floss slip right through even the tightest spaces.”
“As a kid I would never floss because of the difficulty flossing presented, but if I had one of the Hummingbird flossers, I would have done it on a daily basis. Great product/too bad you can only buy it online now.”
“I have tight contacts and most floss gets stuck and shreds between my teeth. The Hummingbird is the only flosser that gets between my teeth and doesn't come apart. I can't find the replacement heads or the flosser in the stores anymore, just those useless disposable ones. The Hummingbird is worth it even though I have to buy the replacement heads online now.”
For a relatively small investment, you, too, may be able to postpone or even eliminate the need to experience some mighty fine slicing and suturing. I’m getting so excited that I think I’ll floss right now.

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