Seems like only yesterday

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Here's to a Happier, Healthier Body.

Here's the truth: I never ever felt better than when I was working out with Jerzy and Aniela in Woodside several years ago.

For whatever reason, I jumped ship and switched to something, ahhh, a little lazier. What was I thinking? Their workout was never too difficult nor was it too time consuming. Live and learn, Lois.

A friend recently remarked that it appeared that I had a tumor under one arm. No, I told her, it's just fat/it was. And still is. Well if that won't get you back on track, nothing will.

So here's my secret weapon against bulging body parts and being really happy with how you look and, more importantly, with how you feel: The Happy Body.

Read the rest of this review.  And the Amazon link.

Read the rest and all additional reviews.  I think you, too, will be convinced to hop onboard to a happier, healthier you.

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