Make mine Matcha.

OK, cut me some slack. You have to start somewhere, right? Good. If I waited for perfection, I'd be dead. So here goes...
Additional info about the video that’s not communicated:
Matcha sources: Your local Japanese market or Amazon. I ordered my first batch from Amazon. It had a WONDERFUL SPRING GREEN COLOR and frothed well. The one I purchased locally was less green and didn’t froth. Bamboo whisk, Amazon as well.
Stevia. Google it. Very superior alternative to sugar and sugar substitutes. Research the benefits. Pretty astonishing stuff well worth consuming. I like adding it to what can taste a lot like FRESHLY MOWN, but incredibly healthy, GRASS.
Bottom line: I want to try something new. Communicating information in a different, more challenging (sort of scary) format. VIDEO. EEEEEEEEEEEEK. Totally intimidating. So far, I’ve steered clear. Until NOW.
What prompts these shifts?
So, while I might totally disable this link tomorrow, today I’m sending out TEA into the universe.
My motivation? I love learning and then sharing what I've discovered. I want to let you know about potentially powerful shifts that could be helpful for you, too. Today it’s about TEA. Who knows what the next topic will be.
I’m thinking SWEATERS. Even though it feels a LOT LIKE SPRING. Here and, apparently, everywhere.
Where does all the precipitation go? Where is snow falling? Not in California. It’s a closed system, right? I’ve given up worrying about potential water regulations/allotments, etc., if we don’t have a Wild and Crazy Series of Spring Weather Systems. Worry doesn’t not help.
Trust me, Nana Banana Live (as opposed to dead). I’ve been around for almost three quarters of a century.
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