Seems like only yesterday

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Must see!

Start your engines and head for Roger Reynolds' "Pumpkin Patch" on Encinal Ave. in Menlo Park. 

While watching, enjoy a little Vivaldi. 

Talk about a terrific selection of wonderfully sculpted, creatively colored pumpkins! Definitely not run-of-the mill carving variety but lovely for your table or doorstep through Thanksgiving.  Super- or gourd-sized.


Hurry before selection's skimpy.  They're corralled in the Carriage House.


I chose ones that I want to grow in our garden next summer. Just collect/dry/plant the seeds in a sunny location this spring and you'll have your Very Own Pumpkin Patch in time for the holidays!


Truly a decoration that keeps on giving!

Reader Comments (1)

loved that......pumpkins were beautiful and Vivaldi was GREAT!!! loved it.....merci.

October 9, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterjan

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