A path less traveled, perhaps

Don't you wish brushing took less time?
Can you really make it through an entire cycle without quitting?
My dental hygienist would not end early nor would most of you, right? When questioned, however, I found that most didn't know that there is a cycle to complete.
I know some who brush while doing kegels or calf raises/I won't say who. These are the same people who do these exercises in public while squeezing tomatoes at the grocery store or farmer's market. I'm not one of those folks.
My secret on the cavity-fighting, receding gums front?
Bring your battery operated/electric toothbrush along on a walk with your dog or a really good friend. My friends are happy that I chose dogs. I brush my way "around the block" so to speak.
My dentist and hygienist will be so proud.
Or I will have cleaned my teeth to little nubs.
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