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Don't Bypass This Bean

Have you ever grown fava beans? We had not. Until this year. The plant is like nothing I have ever encountered. And our large crop was ready to harvest this week.

Dave found the following recipe in The Wall Street Journal. It was our starting point.

I was worried. They looked a lot like another bean I knew too well from childhood. Lima beans. He loves them. I hate them.

I tasted. I fell in love. WSJ recipe 

And because I adore garlic, I might add more than the recipe recommends.

While enjoying, I was also checking out variations on Epicurious/toasted bread with olive oil/that's tomorrow's dinner.

See Epicurious/I do not like peeling things. But when peeled, they are a gorgeous, vibrant green.

Epicurious recipe. 

Note the fact that they peeled the fava beans.  We did not. I would next time.

Friend SR had a good suggestion: rather than bread, serve with endive. Love that idea. 

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