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Foraging for food

Purple beans with green interiors!!!  How unbelievably cool is that?  While they ultimately turned green when heated, the slicing/dicing was so much fun.  And the resulting flavor, superb. 

Fresh mixed greens from the garden.  Red spinach with far more vitamin C than the common green variety, rainbow chard, marigolds, tomatillos, tomatoes, nasturtiums, romaine, pansies and violas.  Freshly transplanted sunflowers and a crow hoping for a handout.  I had our old rocking chairs painted to blend with the bocce balls.  And the other more muted vegetable colors.

Dinners these days could not be easier/something basic (fish, grass-fed beef, chicken) on top of the mix of greens.  Get those gardens growing, friends.  In a box or a bag.  A wagon or wheelbarrow.  You won't be sorry.


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    Response: navigate here
    Superb Web site, Maintain the great job. thnx.

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