Continuation of yesterday's blog

Make friends with fiber. You’ll feel fuller. One study showed that those who ate a high-fiber breakfast saved 150 calories by eating less later in the day.
Wake up with water. Both your day and your metabolism, that is. Did you know that drinking too little water can contribute to an increase in body fat? Dehydration causes a slight drop in body temperature. In it’s wisdom, your body will attempt to help raise temperature by storing fat to act as an insulator. Inefficient metabolism, and hoarding of fat may be the result of too little H2O consumption.
Gulp it from a goblet. How to make that water more appealing? Add a lemon slice, Emergen-C or ...
Ask and answer. Am I really hungry…or just thirsty?
Toss it if it's toxic. Plastic, a petroleum product, that is. Normal wear-and-tear and cleaning of polycarbonate plastic bottles in a dishwasher, can cause the chemicals to leach. The amount of leaching increases as the plastic ages and is degraded by use. A separate study published in July in Environmental Health Perspectives confirmed this finding, and also detected leaching from new polycarbonate plastic.
Grab a grapefruit. A new study by the Nutrition and Metabolic Research Center at Scripps Clinic confirmed that adding grapefruit and grapefruit juice to one's diet can result in weight loss. The grapefruit diet is not a myth! With its high fiber content and low glycemic load, grapefruit may be a secret weight-loss weapon. In a 12-week study, doctors monitored weight and metabolic factors of 100 men and women. On average, participants who ate half a grapefruit with each meal lost 3.6 pounds while those who drank a serving of grapefruit juice three themes a day lost 3.3 pounds. Many patients in the study lost more than 10 pounds! Whether it’s the properties of grapefruit or its ability to satiate appetites, gf appeared to help with weight loss and decreased insulin levels.
Pick a Protein. Protein requires more energy to be broken down, digested and absorbed. Resting metabolic rate typically goes up after eating protein as much as two to three times more than after eating carbohydrates and fats. In addition, complex, high-fiber carbohydrates like high-fiber vegetables and cereals burn more calories in digestion that simple carbohydrates.
Practice preventative pit stops. Eat before you’re hungry. Drink before thirsty. Blood sugar doesn’t drop as dramatically and you're less likely to initiate an all-out eat-a-thon.
Bite the bullet. Wake up a little hungry. Remember, BREAK (the) FAST?
Serve up a small selection. Put it on a petite plate. Salad plates vs. dinner plates.
Weigh in weekly. Or not. That may work for some but a daily check could catch those excess pounds before they creep in and on.
Clever ways to cut calories? Jump Start weight loss with one of the many calorie-restricted or protein-based diets (The Special K Cereal Diet. The Cabbage Soup Diet, Atkins)
Peruse the perimeter. Most grocery stores stash the freshest foods there.
Watch out for that wine! Alcohol can pack on the pounds. How to deal with wanting wine and later wishing you hadn’t had it? Start with seltzer. Or some other non-alcoholic beverage.
Bring half home. Share an entrée or pack it up for your pooch, particularly if you don't have one.
Beware of the bread basket. Just say No. Or Not Again, pls.

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