What Brings You Joy?

What makes you come alive?
For me the list includes: laughing with my family and friends. Being with people I adore. Explorations in town and around the world. Being in, on or near water. Visiting gardens. Filling my car with flowers and plants to add to our back yard. Growing our own vegetables. Discovering new ways to do almost anything/like growing tomatoes in gutters or hanging them upside down from trees. Photographing everything. Creating something.
Keep the list going and growing. Submit your ideas by posting comments below. Let's expand our repertoire to include more of these memorable, often magical, moments. Imagine the impact this might have on our lives and on the lives of those around us.
"Let anyone who comes to you go away feeling better and happier. Every one should see goodness in your face, in your eyes, in your smile. Joy shows from the eyes. It appears when we speak and walk. It cannot be kept closed inside us. It reacts outside. Joy is very infectious."
From picts for cards |
Reader Comments (7)
your photgraphs are amazing!! Maybe you would consider a tutorial or workshop to help those of us that are not so gifted......in any case, I look forward to seeing many more beautiful pictures...
p.s. the Blog is looking pretty fab too!
this is such fun
What brings me joy? Hearing my children giggle as they play together... without me. Fun blog!
Belly shaking laughter. The joy of being with family and friends- sharing the journey of the moment with those you love. Enjoying a festive meal, a vodka tonic, a freshly baked chocolate chip cookie. I love sitting in the shade and reading a good book, walking and talking with friends ( a two-fer- exercise and convivial conversation). Balance is paramount -- finding the right blend of activity and peace- to re-fuel and re-energize.
This is such an amazing question that stimulates great discussions and deepens each of us.
What brings me joy, no matter the circumstances, is to see the wonder of our Creator in each natural object around me.
Ok, what brings me joy ?????
Coming home after a funky, snarly, down "n dirty day ....and being gloriously greeted by my dog.....who treats me as if I'd hung the moon !!!!!
Playing with a passel of pooches, one and all....
Laughing, laughing, laughing so hard that my stomach aches.....nothing feels better than to laugh!!
It also makes everything in life get into the right perspective....
"Paying it forward"......and (secretly) watching how it can change someone's life in a good way....
A very wonderful book.....which can become your best friend...
Seeing a fabulous movie from the '40's
Color, Color, Color, Color, Color !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Painting a portrait, and being "used" by a Spirit to have it create itself, a mystical, magical and
very thrilling thing. (wondering in disbelief how that happened....an energy that comes through your
hands, but it is not of you; you are just the vessel!! )
So many more, but life if so packed with joy that it is hard to name them all.....
I must be showing my age. One of my favorite things is enjoying a long,restful night's sleep.
Upon waking, savor the morning with prayer, meditation and coffee!...a morning walk with friends and dogs...
then anticipate a day of seeing/helping family and friends.
Hopefully a new experience will unfold during the day keeping life even more interesting.
I agree with Nancy that life is so packed with joy that it is hard to name them all.