Seems like only yesterday

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Life. Gotta love it.

The sun was shining after another winter storm.  Chain saws whined as workers eliminated a limb the size of most trees. 

One foot in front of the other, Lois. 

If I watched the news 24/7 and focused on What’s Going Wrong in the World, I’d be looking for the nearest bridge.  Life on a global scale can take you down.

It’s the middle of the night.   I turn on my light to write.  The dogs are burrowing under the covers.  Life is good, completely normal, in my tiny part of the world.  Normal, that is, if you sleep with dogs. 

Tsunamis, earthquakes, potential earthquakes, floods, fires, wild weather.   I can become so overwhelmed “living” other people’s lives that I fail to live my own fully.  I have to remember that life has never been predictable.  Much as I’d like it to have been.  And, as always, what seems disastrous at the moment turns out to have tremendous benefits.  Am I minimizing what those in Japan are experiencing?   My heart breaks.  The answer is an unequivocal NO.  But what can we learn from their experience?  Community, stability, support.

I have a very large Six Side (Enneagram-wise) so my shoes are lined up by my bed facing out.  I’m creating earthquake boxes, having been complacent since ‘89.  My Filipino friends are filling their bins with rice.  Given the choices, I’m filling mine with Happy Options:  two-tone turquoise tarps, Flamingo Pink duct tape.  Life is crazy.  And wonderful.   And often overwhelming.  All we know can evaporate in an instant.  It’s the reality of living here with and on Mother Earth.

I’m repairing moth-eaten sweaters and scarves.  Bringing beauty, I think, to that which is typically tossed.  And in some small way honoring the Indian women who worked tirelessly to “tie” together two saris with very tiny stitches that have become my scarves-as-skirts wardrobe. 

I’ve never been/nor do I ever want to be/an “End of the Aisle” Promotional Person benefiting from tragedy/scary thinking or events.  I’m simply sharing links to sources I’ve found helpful in tomorrow’s blog.   FYI, FP does benefit.  To the tune of $7 last month.  WOW.  Know that $$$ is not a motivator/never has been.  Simply sharing ideas that could work for you.  Costco and other local sources provide the same supplies.

We have the distinct privilege of being here for a while.  Let’s not forget that our day-to-day encounters with life are significant.  Like my full-diaper-detecting furry friend, Buddy, we need to find and bring joy to our world.  Let’s live our lives fully without fear of the future.  This is, I think, our challenge.  I’m up for a challenge.  I bet you are, too.  xoxox

Pass it on.

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