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Great last-minute gift concept

My son introduced me to KIVA where I recently reinvested a little more $ (as little as $25 has impact) in this venture, among others.  Don't you think KIVA would be a great gift for someone in your family to receive? And then to give back?  Not to worry, vegetarian friends, there are plenty of other options from which to choose.  Visit KIVA to give a gift.

Ganmyagmar Ayurzana

Ganmyagmar, 47, is a butcher in the food market in Ulaanbaatar, the capital city of Mongolia. She has been selling meat for less than a year, and already has permanent customers. 

Her main meat item is lamb, that she gets from suppliers in the countryside. Now Ganmyagmar want to increase her inventory before this Lunar New Year Day, the respectful Mongolian traditional holiday. 

Because the price of lamb increases during the holiday, her sales should increase for weeks. Ganmyagmar is taking a loan to purchase a large amount of lamb and to increase her working capital.

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