The best possible news

Surgery was a huge success. Mom did great!!!
Hello Everyone,
Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. Mom's surgery went very well. The doctor was amazed at how much the cancer had shrunk. He said he was able to remove all of the disease from her body. The cancer in the liver was gone and clear of all disease, so nothing had to be done to the liver. She lost very little blood, so there was no need for a blood transfusion. He was impressed about how receptive she was to the chemo and as we believe, it was a combination of the chemo, essiac tea, healthy diet,
energy healing sessions and everyone's love, thoughts and prayers. She came out of recovery looking great. She was up and talking, but still a little drowsy from the pain meds.
Tomorrow, she will be able to get up and walk around a little bit at a time and start eating. She is so lucky to have such great friends and family to support her through this. We will keep you updated and she will probably be home in 3 or 4 days, ready to chat.
Dave Olson
ph:(630) 336-7245
fx:(630) 541-6134

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