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Wheel it anywhere

Looking for a short/fun summer project for the little one/s in your life?  

Get them outside and into your garden.  Yon say you don't have one?  Or that it's completely planted?  Not a problem.  Create the following portable project that you can wheel anywhere.

What you need:

  • A wagon.  I searched everywhere for a sturdy version with good drainage. Finally found one on, you guessed it, Amazon.  Garden Bronco Metal Wagon
  • 1-2 large bags of potting soil
  • Assorted herbs, lettuce, tomato and strawberry plants. Cucumber, zucchini, perhaps. Nasturtium seeds.

 Here’s how to do it:

  • Stabilize bag/s.  We thought that two propped together might work well.  Both sagged a bit but they're definitely not falling off the wagon. 
  • Open bag top to plant tomato, zucchini and/or a cucumber plants.
  • Poke holes down the front/carefully insert strawberries.
  • Do the same on the bag back to accommodate little lettuce plants. 
  • Add herbs down both sides.
  • Poke nasturtium seeds in soil for edible color/perhaps a few marigolds as well. 
  • Wheel to sunny locations or hey, take it for a walk.
  • Water as necessary.

OK, I agree that initially your portable garden's not the prettiest thing in the world.  But give it time. And water. Take it for periodic walks so that it has plenty of sunshine.   

You might notice that we didn't follow any of the instructions I just gave you.  I found my notes after planting had begun.  The point is to have some fun/be creative/think outside the box.


And, together, watch your garden grow.  


Reader Comments (1)

LOVE this idea. Going to head out to the garden supply store once the kiddos get up and we's goin' to get some veggies!

P.S. The "vintage" pictures on your site are fantastic! Brings back memories.

May 10, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMolly

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