Seems like only yesterday

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Be strong. Be brave. Breathe, darling friend.

Best said by our friend, Betty:


We are with you every step of the way tomorrow and all the future tomorrows. Not that it is of much help, 'cause you're the one taking the steps, but we are right there to walk this route with you.

I am a proctor in the 5th grade tomorrow while they are taking their standardized tests. My body will be sitting in that classroom, but my mind will be traveling with you and visualizing what you are experiencing as I watch the clock move.

As you wrote in your introduction to my book:

"I will weep when you are weeping,
When you laugh, I'll laugh with you,
I will share your joy and sorrow
'til we've seen this journey thru."

We have LOTS OF LAUGHS left and loads of joy to share.
We will see you through this and you can take that to the bank!

Love, Betty

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