Reminder to Self: Get Back on Track

Over the past twenty-five years, I followed the same format each month: In preparation for the eight workshops, I researched, compiled/then shared ideas relevant to each topic. Women came prepared to discuss the agenda items. It was a monthly reminder for all of us to acknowledge What Mattered Most. Fitness was our topic each January. Our mornings together were inspiring, educational and Tremendously Fun. THAT'S exactly what I now need. To be inspired. Fun I can usually find!
Hopefully some of you out there will be motivated to get back on track with me! Here goes...

I need to get serious about getting back in shape. Not Olympic Level, mind you. Just more toned/less lumpy. And minus, the final five I've been fighting for years. I want to live a leaner, lighter, healthier life. Not just a longer one. A stronger one.
Where to start? I launched into the Very Large Task of looking through years of FP workshop materials. And I began to become more and more inspired.
For Starters: Here's a bit of what I found helpful. I'll continue to fill with more "finds" tomorrow!
The older you are, the fewer calories you burn. Unless you understand this: Less muscle mass means lower metabolism. Bottom line: Work weight lifting into your day. A great book to recommend: Smart Girls Do Dumbbells. Another terrific resource: Getting in Shape.
Keep Them Close: your weights, that is. Susan keeps hers in the kitchen. I store mine just outside the shower. No more excuses about being too far away.
The goal isn’t quick fix, short-term loss, it’s a shift in strategies that will outlast whatever the motivating/precipitating event (like heading to Hawaii in a week) might be. Be reasonable not rigid.
Small is smarter. You can eat almost anything you want as long as you consume small portions and exercise regularly.
Don’t think “dieting.” Think: feeling fantastic & fit for life.
Jot it in a journal. Weigh in with Weight Watchers on-line.
Everything in moderation, even moderation. I love Nacole’s Friday through Sunday Brunch concept. “We’re in training M-F. We break free on the weekends.”
Clean out those cupboards! If it’s not in the house, you can’t eat it.
Savor servings. Instead of than having a quart of your favorite ice cream in the fridge, go out for an individual serving.
Specify, “Sauces on the side, please.” Rather than slathering your salad with dressing, simply dip your fork in and spear the salad.
Don’t brush before bed. But immediately after dinner. You’re less likely to eat again.