A good friend just gave me an album from Jake for Christmas. Brilliant! Some know, including this thoughtful person, that I've begun playing the ukelele again. I have a way to go before recording any albums. Right now I'll just appreciate his awesome talent. Enjoy!
Join me for a walk through forty acres of tropical rainforest nestled near the ocean just eight and a half miles north of Hilo, HI. If you're vacationing on the Kona coast and decide to take the two-hour trek to the other side of the island, call ahead for a weather report. While it was overcast on all of my many visits, I’ve yet to encounter rain/I think I've been extraordinarily lucky. Guidebooks warn of mosquitoes the size of small birds/again, I’ve never witnessed even one. But bring mosquito repellent just in case.
It's the Hawaiian Tropical Botanical Garden on The Big Island. Unbelievable foliage and flowers. The photos are completely natural/I did nothing to enhance my images in any way. Nature/pretty phenomenal stuff.
Make your walk even better by clicking below to enjoy a little slack key guitar.
And if you like the music, check out a few of my favorites. Lovely listening at home, in the office or on the road. Have a nice trip.
Oh, PS, if you think that I'm making a killing on Amazon links, think again. I've made a grand total of...are you ready???? $7.50 so far this year/WOW. YES!
Know that my recommendations are, as always, just that/recommendations. Not attempts to make a fortune. Though that could be fun, couldn't it?
Neither have I. Here's hoping it surfaces pretty soon. I seem to go on a scavenger hunt for lost items almost every day. Phrase most often heard around my house: "Today we're looking for . . . "
My friend seems interested in joining the search. Hey, have a wonderful day!
FOUND IT! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!! Don't you find that if/IF you're finally able to let go of whatever it is that's missing, that the item magically resurfaces? I'm not so sure about the sleep lost last night while trying to reconstruct my life since the cell was last seen. I think I just might find those hours on the flight home! YES! How great is that? Spectacularly so.
Really, could anything be more enchanting? This was our lunchtime entertainment today. Kathi, note the initial. Whoa. It's a sign. George is alive and well.