Tune in for travel week.

It's been a few years since our trip to Vietnam. Last year I decided to tackle what felt to be an enormous task/sorting through thousands of photos. What I've learned is this: The more time that elapses between the actual trip and my editing, the better I am at discerning what stays and what goes. Even though I delete during the vacation, there are simply too many interesting/beautiful/compelling sights to capture. And it's not until I'm home that I can enlarge photos and choose the best.
To friends who are considering traveling to this part of the world, our recommendation is to spend much more time in the country/far fewer days in urban areas.
This slideshow encapsulates our trip to Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos. Angkor Wat, in Cambodia, was absolutely the high point. Tonle Sap, for very different reasons, came close/see little girl with pyton(?) wrapped around her neck.
Here's to travel! Arm chair or otherwise! Cheers!