Seems like only yesterday


Entries in Venice (2)



An engineering marvel built on top of ancient posts driven deep into mud banks.  Narrow, picturesque alleyways. Gondoliers navigating scenic canals.  World-renowned glass blowers featuring their mind-boggling creations.  Piazza San Marco cafe musicians.  Many charming/often empty/squares and streets.  

One pretty magnificent place to get lost! 


Cruising around Croatia

With a smattering of Venice.  Obviously I didn’t have my camera set correctly/date-wise/as we definitely did not leap back and forth between the two locations.  But because I wanted to get this to press before tomorrow, I’m calling it done for the day. 

For those who’ve been to this part of the world, I hope that you enjoy the "return voyage" as much I did sorting through images to share.  If you haven’t been to either of these spots, summer’s just around the corner/exactly when we visited several years ago.  

Among other things, we found . . . incredible food, delightful little and longer walks, mouthwateringly fresh fish dishes, markets of all kinds, lovely churches, fannnnnntastic pizza, handmade papers to bring home to friends, fun window shopping at night, stacked salads!, many layers of paint worn by sun and salt air adjacent to vivid/freshly-painted doors, balconies burgeoning with flowers and plants, remarkable sculptures/carvings, far too much food/I’m getting REALLY hungry/fresh flowers lit by a full moon and those little battery-operated light cubes, funny looking bathing suits, a magical Croatian concert, many, many dogs/when I was missing mine, a scrumptious assortment of ice creams, delicate/hand-blown beads, stones worn by years of travel, cleverly designed curtains to keep out flies…  I hate to end on that note.  Particularly because, ravenous as I was after looking through the pictures, Dave prepared the Most Wonderful, Healthy/lots of fiber/FRESH/FANTASTIC dinner.  But that’s another blog.  Maybe Monday.

Oh, I brought a glue gun along/go figure/just in case I wanted to glue something to something else...which I did.  Yes, that's my lunch glued to a frame.