Seems like only yesterday


Entries in crafting (6)


Linda's dinky babies!!!

What could be cuter?

These were too terrific!!!!  Click for link to patterns possibilities.

No time left this year to sew these BUT JUST WAIT UNTIL NEXT YEAR!!!  They're at the top of my list. Love them.  

Thanks so much for sharing, Linda!!!  

Do you sleep?


Felting follow up

OK, I did a little video using my new iPhone duct taped to a ladder/hmmmmm. How to deal with volume settings, etc. and ability to edit?  Well, as you might have noticed, these were not the only issues I have to deal with.  But I wanted to get the info out to those of you who were with me Wednesday. The rest of you will just have to hold your breath.  Maybe I'll be brave enough to post it here. OMG.  Not.  

Felting could not be easier!!!  

Particularly with the device below/as opposed to single poking device featured on Martha video from a few days ago.

Here are the basics: Shop your closet or used clothing store for wool sweaters. Wash in hot water; dry in hot drier. Cut along seams.  Lay out pattern so that arms of new sweater align with arms of old washed one.  Cut & sew.

Then the fun begins.  Will share finished product ASAP assuming it actually gets finished.



Simple Snowman Pattern

As opposed to some of the incredible artwork many of you created and the rest of us witnessed today during our time together, this is, perhaps, more my speed!  

I'm off to find simple "pattern" ideas from coloring books. WAIT until you see the sweater I shared today!!!  Solid green (with a few moth holes just a few hours ago).  Not any more!!!  WOW.  Stay tuned. Will share ASAP.

 From Etsy.


Easier than you might imagine.

Maybe.  Sleigh-Ride Snow Globe

Use model-train-set props to create customized snow globes that even jingle.



Warm and welcoming.

I really, really, really want to make this.  Will I have time?  Where does the time go?

OK, it's not really the Now Me.  Rather a Retro Me.  How much of me will turn retro over time?  

Time is running out. There's always next year.

Fabric Snowman Wreath

    This friendly snowman replaces a traditional evergreen wreath and will greet guests with a smiling face on your front door. For the face, sew together two circles of white fleece, stuffing polyester fiberfill in between. Cut the sleeves from an old flannel shirt, and sew them together, making a tube. Cut across an 18-inch straw wreath (where the bottom of the design is) and pull the sleeves gently onto the wreath, filling the empty spaces with fiberfill. Stuff knit gloves or mittens with fiberfill and attach at the bottom of the wreath. Pin the head to the top of the wreath and tack the scarf in place. Glue any desired greenery to sections of the wreath and hang on your front door.

    from Better Homes & Gardens.


So simple. Incredibly sweet.

Twine Snowman Figurine

    Embellish your holiday displays with a textural snowman made from balls of twine or string. Stack three different-size balls of twine on top of each other and hot-glue together. Hot-glue antique buttons down the front of the snowman and use pinheads for eyes. Add a fabric or ribbon scarf around his neck. For the hat, hot-glue a spool of black thread to the top.

    Again, from BHG.