Seems like only yesterday


Entries in computers (1)


Turn on that timer

Spending hours in front of the computer is simply not smart by anyone’s standards.  Yet I am capable of staying at my desk from dawn until dinner.  With more hours logged in later.  Not good.  I KNOW I’m not alone.  How to make us all move?  My friend, Gerda, sets a timer in another room/her kitchen/so that she HAS to get up to turn off the annoying noise. This is far brighter than, as in my case, having it so close that I can simply reach over and turn it off. Still, it remains a reminder to stop what I’m doing and take a few moments to stretch/take a quick jog/jump rope…do practically anything but continue to sit in the same spot for hours at a time.

With any luck at all, tomorrow could be the day that I actually remember to turn the timer on.