Well done, Jamie Oliver.

Do not miss this. The information is frightening. We need to do something. Now.

Do not miss this. The information is frightening. We need to do something. Now.
Did you happen to watch the recent HBO series, "The Weight of the Nation"? Sorry about that. I found it disappointing on many levels. The following film, however, while touching on some of the same points, is far superior. I KNOW that you'll find it educational and entertaining. It could be a game changer for friends and family members. And perhaps, you.
Chances are, you know someone who is among the two thirds of our country who needs to shape up and would benefit from watching FAT, SICK and NEARLY DEAD. It's inspiring on so many levels. Access the film via Netflix or Amazon and share with those you love.
Though we will not be duplicating Joe Cross' effort we will be integrating many of his recommendations. Just one juiced drink a day for starters, perhaps. And it's so easy and incredibly satisfying to grow your own greens. Even in small spaces. See: If only in a little red wagon.
Only have time to see the trailer? It's below. I hope it piques your interest in watching the entire documentary.
I am.
According to recent FATSTATS, two out of three Americans are obese or overweight. That figure is rapidly expanding. Not good.
Well, I think I'm on to something that doesn't require counting calories, attending weekly meetings, purchasing fake food, recording each bite or summoning every ounce of whatever will power you may or may not have/apparently, I have none.
You know that horribly uncomfortable, far-too-full, feeling we've all experienced after a big Thanksgiving meal? And you've no doubt heard about or know someone who has had Laparoscopic Gastric Band (lap-band) surgery, right? Well, why not capitalize on these two bits of information not by undergoing surgery but by creating your own DIY EXTERNAL LAP BAND instead.
Simply tighten your belt one notch before each meal. Next week tighten it one more notch until you're where we want to be. Easy. This might serve as a reminder about where you want to be. And where you are now.
I'm in. Are you? Let me know how it goes.
Today I’m practicing Preventative Eating. I’ll pack some mini-meals in my purse and stash something healthy in the side pocket of my car. No more dietary debacles.
Yesterday: Having eaten too little for breakfast, I was ravenous by 11 and completely incapable of driving past fast food restaurants while heading home from an appointment. I totally lost the miniscule amount of self discipline I had. And inhaled a Carl's Jr. lettuce wrapped Low Carb burger. YES! And fries.
Things will be different today. With Preventative Eating in place, I’ll be prepared. I’ll eat before I’m actually hungry. Then I'll brush my teeth immediately after. A trick many mentioned at our workshops.
Next day: How’d it go? Very well. Until evening. I ate dinner, brushed my teeth and sat down to watch a movie. The film featured people consuming Croque Monsieur. Clearly carb/fat deprived, I could not contain myself. I ran as fast as my feet would carry me to the kitchen to make my own Healthy Version: Whole grain muffins with cheese. A LOT of cheese. I stopped eating when I had polished off three. Not a great way to start a diet. Or to end an otherwise terrific day.
Tomorrow: Preventative Eating. Smart meals. Teeth brushed. Duct tape. Isolation booth.