Seems like only yesterday


Entries in snow art (2)


Here's how he does it!

A fascinating four minutes of Simon Beck at work/play. Brilliant.

Much more creative than the treadmill or an elliptical.

I simply cannot imagine how anyone can create anything this beautiful without a road map.  All freehand. No, freefoot.

Fill me in if you've found a way.  And then we need a little snow to begin the process.


Are you tired of the same old workout? 

Have you hit a plateau that you just can't get past?  

Simon Beck takes exercise to a remarkable new level!  He walks the frozen lakes of Savoie, France, on snowshoes to create crop-circle inspired snow art. Be sure to follow the link to see more of his remarkable art.

Working for 5-9 hours a day, each final piece is typically the size of three soccer fields. The geometric forms range in mathematical patterns and shapes that create stunning, sometimes 3D, designs when viewed from higher levels.

How long these magnificent geometric forms survive is completely dependent on the weather. Beck designs and redesigns the patterns as new snow falls, sometimes unable to finish a piece due to significant overnight accumulations. Interestingly enough, he said, "The main reason for making them was because I can no longer run properly due to problems with my feet, so plodding about on level snow is the least painful way of getting exercise. Gradually, the reason has become photographing them, and I am considering buying a better camera.”

Spectacular art for the sake of exercise!