A change is gonna come

Gathering all grandmothers/grandmothers-to-be/anyone who hopes to become a grandmother someday and/or anyone who had a grandmother they loved or one they didn't think was particularly terrific. They all had an impact. AND, most importantly, we can learn from our combined experiences. So much more than if we had tackled it all alone.
Join me for a discussion of pertinent topics. It’s Fresh Perspectives on this next/definitely NOT last/stage. Let's share what worked, what didn't and/or what’s currently going well.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010. 9:30-noon.
I’ll count on your full participation. This means:
- Helping me generate discussion topics
- Participating in our meetings. Hmmmm. How could we have long-distance participants?
- Sharing something to sustain us food-wise
I'll provide the setting, facilitate the idea exchange and provide coffee and tea.
The following favorites speak volumes about life with friends and family. Each could have been a theme song for Fresh Perspectives, don't you think? Take ten minutes out of your busy life to listen.
If it feels like a fit, join me and other wonderful women for the Next Step in Parenting: CampGran/GranCamp or whatever you want to call it.
We’ll meet every month or so. Subsequent dates TBD in September. Participation is limited.
Register your interest by emailing lois@freshperspectives.org.
Location details and agenda available once you've RSVP'd.
A change is gonna come. Oh yes it is.
One more time.