Patricia Weaver
Wonderful friend, phenomenal teacher, terrific tutor, magnificent mom. No better mentor exists. A woman whose impact far exceeds these words/definitions.
I know that many of you know and love her.
Please spread the word. Forward the following to others whose children have been a part of Patricia’s world.
Best, I think, communicated in her words:
Dearest Lois,
I thank you for asking me to pray again for Kathi. I have been and I will again.
In the meantime, would you pray the same for me as my cancer has spread to the lymph nodes. If Kaiser approves, I will begin a three drug trial on July 1 at Stanford, and like Kathi's medicine, mine will go through a port. Mine will be a day 1, day 8, day 21 cycle, very aggressive. I have never needed so much prayer as I do now, though I know that because of people's prayers, these last four years and nine months have been very peaceful years for me (even with one PET-CT every three months, about nine different radiation treatments, etc). And I do mean peace-filled. In the process of having treatments in various facilities, including Stanford, I have truly been blessed. This is all because of the tremendous support of friends. So as I write those words, I know that the spirit of Goodness, the God of the universe, will indeed carry me through the hard treatments ahead.
Love to you, and blessings to Kathi,