Seems like only yesterday


Entries in plant markers (1)


Launching a New Look in the Garden

Apparently, the little things in life please me a lot. 

Friday’s goal was to organize the vegetable garden in such a way that I could easily identify herbs, various salad greens and vegetables.  And not poison people.  I wanted to have accurate information accessible for those who visit and hope to transplant ideas into their gardens


Purchasing pre-printed stakes for, let's say, oregano used to be simple.  But today there are so many varieties of each herb that generic labels don't define the distinctions. 

Wooden stakes fade and break.  Same with plastic. 

My handwriting is OK but I can never judge the length of a word and often run off the edge. 

Enter Avery® 5660 Easy Peel Clear Mailing Labels.

Pick a fun font/I used Gigi, enter your data, stick it on a plant label such as this

and you’re good to go. 

Finally I used my Rotary Trimmer to cut labels to fit.  Scissors obviously work just fine.

A day without death is a good one. 

So far, so good. 

I think you're safe to come for dinner. 

Just let me know when.