Seems like only yesterday


Entries in Krista (2)


Great giggles...

Excellent photography!  Darling, effervescent child.  Parents not bad either.  Love the transitions!  TERRIFIC music/Jack Johnson, one of my more recent favorites.  This was a LOT of work, Krista.  And very inspiring.  So, darling young friend of mine, did you use a Flip recorder or something more sophisticated?  HOW did you do this/any particular programs to recommend?  Tips for others who would like to take on a project like this?  How many hours would you say you invested from beginning to end/photos out of the equation?  I absolutely love it!  Have watched several times/love the Laugh Out Loud component.  Thank you so much for sharing your creativity with the rest of us.  xo L


Today: Talking About Talent

You’ll find her picture on both Organization and Kids Icons to the left AND as this Blog blossoms, you’ll find her inserted in almost every other FP topic. It’s Krista (left), one of my darling adopted daughters. Not officially, of course. She provided an invaluable glimpse into Life with Little Girls while I was busy with Two Wild and Crazy Boys. The hens and our dog were my only other daily connection with females. Great company, however . . .

Now the mom of a beautiful baby of her own, Krista’s budding childhood talents as a fledgling artist have taken flight. Co-authored with friend, Diana (right), their book, Alphabetica, is out in the world (with a second to be released spring 2011).

It’s perfect for providing hours of entertainment, education and creative inspiration for all, particularly other up-and-coming artists of all kinds and their parents. Alphabetica gets two thumbs up from here. As an educator and mom, I think it’s a must-have on family bookshelves.

See BOOKS on the Blog to order yours today. A perfect spring or Easter gift, wouldn’t you say?

I would.