Seems like only yesterday


Entries in finches (1)


Birds of a feather

We are a family of bird lovers.  We've raised many varieties in small indoor aviaries.  Until recently.  When our cute little zebra finches went into an all out mating frenzy.  The result was not pretty.  





Note the white sediment at the edge of the adorable little nesting basket.  Guano.  The more birds you have, the more of this stuff accumulates. 


After the baby making frenzy, we had a lot of what is known to cover entire islands in the Pacific.  We began to wonder if this, too, could happen to us.  It's great for the garden but not for interior spaces.


So, other than Oscar, our lisping parrot, who will undoubtedly outlive us/sorry kids, we are feeling mighty fine about enjoying finches in the Great Outdoors.  What WAS I thinking?  The benefits of attracting feathered friends to your garden far outweighs the up-close-and-personal pleasure of having them as pets inside your home.  Trust me.  I know and appreciate the difference.

Fly free from dawn to dusk, wonderfully colorful, fun feathered friends.