Springing Forward

As you step out in some pretty sensational designer shoes made by, that's right, YOU!
Hey, if I can do it, so can you.
Thanks to my super creative/tremendously artistic/extraordinarily generous/collector-of-all-sorts-of-amazing-stuff friend, Susan, we left her garage workshop with shoes in hand and the sense that we all were incredibly talented. How much fun is THAT?
A lot, apparently, since I immediately placed mine on the dashboard and took pictures while driving home. Not a good idea. It was an exceedingly Joy-Filled Afternoon then. And even now as I look back at pictures of our time together.
Just gather together whatever you happen to have on hand. Or head to your local craft shop for spring flowers, foliage, fruit, bugs and/or beads AND, critical ingredient: Gem-Tac* or other permanent adhesive glue which, in this instance, was found superior to using a glue gun. Shop in your closet or a local thrift shop/Ross/Target for some comfy/cheap shoes or sandals that could use some embellishment. Then have at it. Helpful addition: Clothes pins to hold pieces in place while drying. Another perfect project for bringing friends together.