Seems like only yesterday


Entries in coffee (2)


Iced Coffee, Undiluted

Fred & Friends Cool Beans Ice Cube Tray

I'm not an iced coffee person but I know many of you are.

For those of you who love an iced latte, pour leftovers into these very cute coffee bean molds. No more watered down drinks!

Available on Amazon.


Tea for two 

Or coffee for one.  Either way it's incredibly easy. 

Easy is good but less acidic is even better.  A substantial sixty-seven percent less.  Superior for sensitive stomachs.

How did I find this alternative?  I like a good cup of coffee.  I'm not a fan of using industrial-sized coffee makers for meetings/the flavor is more Vending Machine than Home Brewed. 

So for fall FP workshops I ordered what I thought would be a compact/cute/cardboard box from a local/great coffee shop.  I had no idea how many women would be coffee drinkers.  To be safe, I planned for twice the number of women attending.  Bad idea/the bill was astronomical. 

Here’s what I ultimately found to be a far Superior Solution:  The Toddy Cold Brew System.  And it's a system that I continue to use for my daily dose.  The concentrate stays fresh in the fridge for weeks.

Read the reviews.   I have Peet's coffee ground to "12"/very coarse. 

Boil some water.  Set out the cups.  Teach the first person who arrives how to concoct a cup.  That person instructs others who, in turn, tutor the following takers.  It’s a prize-winning, participatory combination.  Check it out, particularly if you're a fan of iced coffee.  Summer's coming.