May you, too, nose out an adventure this weekend.

Doesn't this sound like a song this fellow would like to sing?
Click below to listen to my little friend that I photographed while in Argentina. Coatis, unlike their racoon relatives, are diurnal omnivores. Connect to Wikipedia for more info on this sensational little singer.

From college friend, Barb: "EVERY DAY new 'stuff' is learned and tried. I think I told you that Jenny's research is in immunology....she is studying minute aspects of T cells that I cannot even pretend to sort of understand anymore.......and she is one of hundreds, if not thousands. UPENN is a big cancer research hub.........SOMEONE SOMEWHERE is going to help all the Kathies out there. Let some of this help be ready NOW, for HER. That is my prayer and hope."
And from Kathi: Thanks Lois, that is my hope and prayer as well One day at a time is my motto and to enjoy every minute. I have started to notice there are so many beautiiful minutes every day. I need to focus on those and keep anxious thoughts at bay as much as I can. John, my distance healer, says my mantra should be strong, healthy chick! I love the rainbow connection and as I did in the Muppet movie when it played, I cried.