Seems like only yesterday


Entries in Cherry Handbag Organizer (1)


Anne's plan

Some of us have Big Plans but never get around to actually implementing those ideas.  Not Anne.  She has a plan.  For pretty much everything.  I was the lucky recipient of her most recent inspiration.

Having given her one of my photo bags/left/she, in turn, designed and sewed an insert that could accommodate all the stuff I typically schlep.  It's a concept that works for the chronically disorganized (me) and the amazingly well organized (Anne).  And, of course, anyone in between who cares about some semblance of order on a day-to-day basis.

For everyone who isn't lucky enough to have an Anne in their life but does like the idea of finding what they need in an instant, I tracked down this terrific product:  The Cherry Brand Handbag Organizer.

Check out the Amazon link/above.  As you’ll see, the insert has enough pockets to pack and actually find your keys, cell phone, pens, Post-Its, pads, pens/whatever you carry with you each day.  As you might imagine, changing purses is a total no brainer. 

Photo bag blog coming soon.