For Fitness, Intensity Matters

For shorter periods of time? Yes! I'm in.
For shorter periods of time? Yes! I'm in.
Interesting info/watch the video below. What's your best guess? You may be surprised.
Once you start, it's tough to stop eating these! I'm totally addicted.
Note: After eating, you'll need to floss before heading out into the world.
Today's experiment. Tomorrow's breakfast.
LOVED IT! Tomorrow I'll add yogurt, berries...
I'm having trouble saving the rest for then.
Had tonight. All loved. Served with beet/goat cheese/walnut/green salad.
Excellent recipe. Particulary when served w/pan juices.
I wanted to watch this once more to take notes. I thought you might as well. Some excellent tips about dealing with winter skin issues.
I love pies. Particularly the rustic variety. Super simple to construct. Even easier to eat.
And while a good home made crust is undeniably delicious, I often opt for the ready-made variety.
Trader Joe's is my current favorite.
I've used Pillsbury in the past but recently realized that it contains trans fats. No. I'm not using partially- or fully-hydrogenated oils of any kind. Ever. How did I miss that?
Here's a link to a low-sugar pie/tart/galette I've made and adore.
Next time I'll use Trader Joe's or make my own crust.
Love this crazy little dog. And Cesar's work with him. So much to learn from this terrific trainer.
Awww. Isn't he cute? NOT SO.
I've always enjoyed paging through seed catalogs eagerly awaiting the arrival of spring. Now I've added adventure travel to that winter checklist. Given my recent photography adventure with National Geographic, I am now paging through their many other travel options.
The following slideshow may serve as a starting point for those of us who are considering travel to places we had never before considered. Iceland is on that list for me.
Here's to a year filled with amazing adventures within our own country or outside its borders!
There's still time to visit this exceptional exhibit. “David Hockney: A Bigger Exhibition” runs through Jan. 20 at the de Young Museum, in Golden Gate Park, San Francisco; 415-750-3600,
A slideshow of shots taken around the world welcoming the New Year.
Here's how to make a smoother coffee with far less acidity.