Ten Tips for Better Kid Pics
"My camera provides the way for me to remain grateful and grounded, to discover and create, and to remember all the pieces of my life."
I totally concur. So well written. Here's the article.
"My camera provides the way for me to remain grateful and grounded, to discover and create, and to remember all the pieces of my life."
I totally concur. So well written. Here's the article.
This is so, so true. Without my camera on the counter while the kids were growing up, I would have missed many touching/exciting/crazy/magical moments. And I learned so much in the process of trying to capture our crew as they grew. Here's the article.
Oh dear. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this concept. That is, recording my exercise during the day.
I lost one monitor from my wrist because the latch never fully engaged. It was ultimately recalled for allergy issues. I lost it before I could send it back.
Two of the tiny clip-on variety disappeared in the wash.
I don't give up easily.
A few weeks ago I ordered the one on the far right. Today I was notified that it was lost in transit. I then read that the entire team responsible for this product was fired. That loss turned out to be a good thing.
This is definitely a crazy/volatile market. Many want to utilize this technology. And many others want to cash in on that interest.
Fingers crossed that what I ordered today actually arrives, that it accurately records my steps and will stay where it belongs.
Read on.
This is crazy. Read the rest.
Some very helpful tips that you may not know about.
I don't need to be convinced but this article is an interesting read/additional reason to consume the dark chocolate I so love on my latte each morning!
Super easy. Very flavorful.
We used thighs rather than breasts. Otherwise, the recipe was exactly the same as the one that follows.
We're huge carrot cake lovers. And we liked this recipe a lot. But, most of all, I loved the presentation. I could have cut the carrots a little longer so that they didn't topple over but I liked their ultimate cattywampus appearance.
I didn't miss the raisins but, of course, they could be added. I also substituted walnuts for pecans.
AND, finally, I'm not a big fan of ginger, so I substituted lemon zest instead.
Many thumbs up on G's BD cake.
Whether toddler or teen, this is one of many good ideas for kids' snacks. And for the rest of us/no matter what our age.
Everyone enjoyed these tonight! Lots of possible variations. I might add chopped apricots or unsweetened dried cherries next time.
Here is the recipe that was shared at this month's FP meeting. I was lucky enough to be given some of Anita's homemade granola based on the following recipe. It's so, so, so delicious.
Pretty phenomenal BBC footage!
Thanks so much, Connie.
Did you happen to see this NYTimes article this past week? It would definitely make me wash my hands after every cash transaction. Yikes. Read more.
A beautiful but bittersweet reminder about how quickly kids grow up. And are then gone.
Love this. Awwwww.
Thanks, Betty.
Do you have a child (or an adult) in your life who loves to understand how things work? Perfect.
Share this site with them. I adore it. But, of course. I'm the proud parent of the person who, among many other things, designs these short info-packed pieces.